Sunday, August 14, 2022

Don't Be Like Odin

Background: thing-which-moderns-have-forgotten-every-word-for-except-God.
God isn't Godlike; not because god isn't divine, but because you have approximately 30 serious misunderstandings about what 'godlike' means.

Main body: god wants you to have both eyes.
God doesn't give you eyes solely so you can give them back. Don't be like Odin; keep and cherish them instead.

If you want knowledge, don't do weird ritual sacrifices. Just ask. The only thing you need to sacrifice are your lies. The idea is to see more, not less.


JBPGuy said...

>Main body: god wants you to have both eyes.
God doesn't give you eyes solely so you can give them back.

Sometimes sacrificing a thing of great value can be worthwhile

God wants you to choose appropriate sacrifices to better honour his gifts.

And moreover - can you really appreciate Gods gifts if you can't lose them?

But true. God doesn't really want you to murder your children.

.. on the flip side, the concept of child sacrifice is something God really, really wants you to understand.

Alrenous said...

The concept of child sacrifice is something Satan really, really wants you to understand.

There is no sacrifice, there is only trade and theft. Unholy religions like the latter.

Alrenous said...

The point of child sacrifice in particular is that it is transcendentally pointless.

Nobody but you cares about your kid. You can't trade it for anything. You're destroying something you personally value in exchange for what it is worth to anyone who asks you to do so: fuckin' nothing.

Signals commitment to just waste stuff for no reason. Extreme loyalty, sure, but no sane leader wants their followers to commit to insanity.