Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Dissent is Largely in Error & Irresponsible Rightists

"Right vs. Left (1-factor model of politics) not very predictive of ideological stances among low-information voters, but highly predictive of ideological stances among high-information voters 

counter-intuitively, the more you know, the more you see things in black and white"



They're both trying to conform to parasitic memeplexes. Skilled operators make it look black-and-white because conformity is the point and they fail less. There's two because voting is one-dimensional and thus produces two sides. (There's a game theory thing I'll go over later.) However, dumb folk aren't good at conforming. They keep getting confused or plain get it wrong. They try to conform but can't manage it.

For example, smart IFLS folk know they don't love science. They get the joke. They can tell the difference between Science and, like, scientific papers, and will reject any science that's not Scientific.

Obvoiusly, dumb folk can't follow this line of thought. They'll occasionally do dumb things like read the papers themselves, or, even worse, do the experiment themselves. They buy into the camouflage and let it lead them astray because they genuinely don't know any better. (Evil is self-destructive; the friendly fire is inevitable.)

Also, IFLS doctrine changes quick and they often get left behind. Indeed part of the point of the IFLS doctrine is to be a griggs/power-dodging IQ competition. You need to be this smart to ride.

I would also like to point out that some off the less dumb (but still dumb) IFLS hosts will notice the doctrine changes quickly and try to get out ahead of it - being a trend maker instead of a trend follower. Except they're dumb and can't guess correctly. They get Dunning-Krugered; they produce random noise as output. 

Ref: Spanish Inquisition. Peasants don't notice dissenters are usually just confused out of honest stupidity, but the Catholic authorities liked their large mass of warm bodies, so the Inquisition was set up to gently lead most dissenters back into proper conformity, like they wanted all along.


Game theory lets a central party capture all fringe parties. Voting republicant may not make a neo-nazi happy, but what are they gonna do instead, vote demobrat? As such the two real parties in a voting system cuddle up to each other to capture the maximum voters they can, getting as close as possible without actually appearing to overlap. 

I suppose two-party voting is particularly stable because it maps easily onto the pre-existing distinction between insider (has kratia) and outsider (wants kratia). This is likely the basic cause of the electoral birth defect. The in-power party adores everything that keeps them in power, and this monomania is what gets them in power in the first place. Meanwhile the out-power party despises everything that keeps ingroup in power, and adores everything that would put the outsiders in power if they weren't too gormless to pursue it. Black and white. 

Nothing to do with truth, however. Most of the time both of them are flagrantly wrong about everything. Black vs. black. What with being competitors in a black government competition. 

And thus the right-sided parasite hosts are convinced their irresponsibility is a kind of responsibility, even though it's merely conditionally less irresponsible than the high-O low-C parasite-plex. 

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