Saturday, April 17, 2021

More vs. Dishonour

The correct way to respond to Aaron is to behead his son. Right in front of him.

Message: if you break the contract, I break the contract. It's just that simple.

Never, ever let your honour be used against you by someone of lesser honour. 

Indeed it's best to cause Aaron maximum anguish. Sterilize his son right in front of him. Using bronze age methods. "I left him alive, just like you wanted!"

The contrary, upholding your half of a broken contract, is an outright crime. Message: please abuse the honourable. That's not an honourable message. A little the opposite of that.

Further, your word is worth as much as the person you're giving it to. Given someone of negative worth, like Aaron, then your word is worth less than nothing. It's perfectly okay to agree to the trade and then, without waiting for his response, behead his son right in front of him.

We could also imagine torturing his son to death. I don't like this because the son hasn't done anything wrong, but it's not dishonourable. Except: his son has done something wrong. He carried Aaron's dysgenic genes. That's why Aaron wants him alive. We're killing Aaron because the genes need to go. Hence the sterilization.

Or: a fortiori, keeping your word to the unworthy is a crime, with the exception that sometimes keeping your word to them advantages you more than breaking it. E.g. perhaps we do leave Aaron's son alive. For a while. Explicitly so we can yank the hope away again.

I don't think real bronze-age men were doormats the way Lucius is portrayed. The play was written for Shakespearean England, which was already full of dishonourable doormats. They had no knowledge or desire for knowledge regarding how honour works.

This is a classic Satanist trick. Portray the opposite of dishonour as being a doormat, and hope nobody notices you anti-rectified a name. It turns out this hope is well-founded. Even I think being a worthless shitbag is better than being a gullible doormat, and would choose to be a parasite if that were the only genuine alternative. Luckily, Satan is Father of Lies, and my message is this: fuck him with a rake.

1 comment:

Alrenous said...

I literally think being a doormat should be a crime. They should end up in jail. Five years minimum.
Or rather, jail is expensive and ineffective. They should be flogged. Prison is nothing more than a way to use mercy against the honourable. When someone tries to use your mercy against you, kill them with extreme prejudice.