Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Expansion of the Parasite Class

Some chick, less naive than usual, has thoughtfully illustrated the conspecific parasites of America.

Yes, what should be your wages are going to these people instead. Who are, ironically, largely Marxist. Or rather not ironically at all. But: don't worry, Gnon is already punishing them. Nonverbally, they are fully aware their jobs are worthless and it turns out having a fake job is a big risk factor for imposter syndrome and feeling like life is meaningless. (Proof left as an exercise for the reader.) Turns out being paid to be a scold doesn't make for a pleasant work environment. You spend your day around useless scolds, and guess how that works out for you.

The parasites get paid without having to pull their weight, which means there's fewer pulling, which means less stuff to go around. The parasite class can expand, which means it will expand until there's so many parasites the host is sucked dry and dies. This has not already happened only because humans are stupid and excessively conservative. Americans like to cling to their guns and also their gauche and terrible ""positive-sum"" jobs. All Americans are but temporarily embarrassed manor lords, and who ever heard of a lord living off anything but negative-sum rents? Nobody in America, certainly.

Kek: Fuller thinks billionaires aren't part of the government. Being a billionaire in America is illegal. They don't prosecute if you pay the danegeld, though. Guess what form the danegeld takes. Guess whose children get all these jobs. Perhaps this is why Dorsey keeps his Twitter position? Twitter employees might be awful, but while he's actively running a Madrassah he at least doesn't have to play the cocktail circuit.

Hot Tip: if The Regime picks you for a winner, decline. Losing is superior. Pack it up and go home.

Fuller does helpfully demonstrate that this jobs program is about jobs for the boys (with tits). You can see from their writing that they aren't inherently useless. Not brilliant by any means, but finding something productive for them to do wouldn't be difficult if productive work hadn't been outlawed. (The employed vote red. Ew.) In the worst case, they could be spending time ensuring their children get the love and attention they need to grow up healthy. (But who wants healthy children? Come on.)

Imagine what America could look like if all this money wasn't generating heat and light by being set on fire.

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