Friday, September 13, 2024

Cult Leaders More Correct

 A cult leader claims everyone is full of shit except for himself.

 Non-cult members claim only cult leaders are full of shit.

 The cult leader is right more often. Everyone, including the cult leader, is full of shit. 


 Cults are vaccines. Sophisticated Satanic vaccines.

 Although heroically rare, it is not physically impossible for someone to be born into a humanoid form, then not lie literally every time they open their mouth. When this person tells the truth, claiming everyone is full of shit except for himself, they sound like a cult leader. Preemptively countered.

 Perhaps I shall call them truth-traitor vaccines. Betraying the truth by lying such that its reputation is ruined.


 Of course, separately, even should someone claim this truth, only exceptionally deranged individuals join cults. Even when it is true, even if it were believable, it wouldn't be useful to say it. After all, the fact lightside society is 100% full of shit is the point. Non-cult members are getting a diet of 100% sewage, which is exactly what they want. What's the problem? Everything is working as intended? Joining a truth-cult is wildly counter-productive. Only masochists who are too stupid to understand their pain will go down would join a truth-cult.

 Notably, the scientific revolution was based on, roughly speaking, the above fact about cult leaders. Ad verecundiam is a fallacy. It really is necessary to individually evaluate every claim. Just because every other cult leader was inefficiently full of shit, it doesn't mean this new cult leader is full of shit. Note for Democratic Man: it is not necessary for every individual to individually evaluate every claim, it is only necessary for one member of the pack to evaluate the claims. 

 More precisely, it is necessary for society, or rather the pope which defines the society, or one of his deputies, to individually evaluate every claim the pope intends to reject or accept. Disregarding a claim is always valid, provided disregard is strictly separated from rejection.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

"Non-cult members claim only cult leaders are full of shit." oh shit
but wait, is that true?

"Just because every other cult leader was inefficiently full of shit, it doesn't mean this new cult leader is full of shit. " lmao