Thursday, September 26, 2024

IQ and Mortal Brain Spirits

 IQ is 80% heritable but environment is a product of overall IQ so IQ is 100% heritable, QED.

 IQ is 100% genetic but only 80% heritable because the cells that realize they're going to be your brain shuffle the genes a second time. 100% genetic, but only 80% of neural genetic activity is due to your parents. (Or something that is equivalent, after weighting by impact on IQ.) Part of the reason for the blood-brain barrier is that, given full access to the brain, your immune system recognizes it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it. Have to keep the large, smart immune cells away from the brain.

 Basically the 20% exists because the brain attracts a spirit to live in it, exactly like a religious altar. The 20% allows the spirit to mould the brain after itself, which is why evolution selected for brains that are in fact religious altars. 

 Though, down here in the underworld, what usually happens: the brain wads up a clump of whatever spiritual gunk it happens to be sitting on, and packs it into the rough shape of a soul.


rezzealaux said...

>"Part of the reason for the blood-brain barrier is"
>is that something he made up that minute
>what if it isn't something he made up that minute
>it'd have to be a trees walk like men moment
>(the trees actually walked like men)
this is the first time i've gotten interested in physiology for noncritical purposes.

Alrenous said...

The reason meningitis is so dangerous is that it open the pores in the blood-brain barrier, resulting in autoimmune attacks on neurons, resulting in cognitive damage and often death.
...part of the reason meningitis opens the pores is that the bacteria is considered more dangerous, having accessed the brain at all, than the immune system's maladjusted response.