Saturday, September 28, 2024

Information Isn't Scarce

 They say when you argue with a boomer, biological or spiritual boomer, you're arguing with the TV. The TV can't hear you and wouldn't care if it could. This saying is true. Certainly, being the lead-poisoning generation doesn't help. 

 However, they could have known. The information was available.

 In the early internet, even reddit was a high-density information source. Where did they get the information? They can't have received it from the internet, it's not a self-licking ice cream cone. All the information was available offline. For a bit there it was merely easier to find.

 Boomers chose not to pursue it. They embraced ignorance with malice aforethought. This is why they continue to embrace ignorance - it's intentional. Being deluded is the strategy. 

 Like bro what do you think a university is for. The point of a university library is to have all the good books in one place. If you get lost you ask a professor - before obama every professor in the world replied thoughtfully to 100% of their emails.
 Problem being that the profs, also, were boomers. They would reply to their email, yes, except they would tell you the same thing the TV told you, but with better grammar and fancier words. 

 Of course, millennials aren't any better. There's been a slight pop in IQ since the end of leaded gasoline, but it was clearly not enough. Zoomers are dumb like boomers are, but the profile of genetic damage differs from the profile of chemical damage. 

 Information isn't scarce. The supply of attention vastly exceeds the supply of information. Net worth is a genetic trait. Intellectual wealth has its own subcap. There isn't some hidden secret in a hard-to-find book somewhere that changes everything. If you get an opportunity to learn something, you will see opportunities to learn over and over and over again - the bottleneck is your own processing ability, not supply.

 E.g. children get educated automatically, because it's essentially impossible for them to avoid the information.

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