Friday, September 27, 2024

Greatest Vaccine Supporters Think Vaccines Don't Work

 If I use a mumps vaccine, the point is that if I'm exposed to a mumps patient, I don't develop mumps pathology. Whether you have taken the vaccine is irrelevant to me. It's a great deal of none of my business. If you feel like you're dying, I can go sit in the shade and drink iced tea or whatever. I don't feel it. It doesn't affect me.

 Vaccine supporters don't think this way. They believe it's critically important that you take the vaccine. They clearly do not believe that vaccines stop illness.

 You should go ahead and believe them. 

 That or they don't care if it stops illness or not. Indeed, to Caino masochiens, a working vaccine is a vice and a crime. They want to force you to self-mutilate and inject foreign garbage, making yourself sick, then get sick again from natural exposure. Normally, they're not even wrong: their victims want this as well. Tyranny is in high demand.

 Basically if you're afraid of needles it's because the vaccines aren't working, your body notices, and tries to tell you. Go ahead and believe it. 

 If the vaccine cannot successfully produce vaccination, it's not a vaccine and I'm certainly not going to use it. Black government vaccines are assumed to be non-vaccines until proven otherwise, because I didn't guzzle lead as a child.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

there was a chart i saw once that showed millenials are the generation exposed most to lead as a child. was it lead? i want to say it was leaded gasoline. something got allowed or invented basically at the start of millenials and then got banned at basically the end of millenials.