Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Women Prevent Women From Asking for Things

 I keep forgetting to mention a major sticking point. 

 If a woman asks for something, and he gives it to her, she will see it as feminine submission. Giving her what she wants gives her the ick, if she has asked for it.
 Consequently it is critical to the health of the relationship that she never asks for what she wants. At best she can hint wrongly at what she desires. It has to be phrased such that giving her what she needs counts as refutation of her argument. At worst, she explicitly asks for things she doesn't want...

 I can't think of any reason a woman should ever ask for anything. She should tell her man what she's feeling, and he can work out the rest for himself. Or not work it out, if that's what he can manage.

 The best part is women expect men to be omniscient and already know this. It's so obvious to her, after all, and he's so smart and knowledgeable, why wouldn't it be even more obvious to him? 

 Ultimately it's men's fault that women are this way. Women have been bred for this over tens of thousands of years of arranged marriages. That is: we find, over and over, that human men and women deserve to be inflicted with each other.


johnson said...

This is also why nowdays hiring managers want you to tell them how much money you want rather than telling you what they'll pay and if you ask too much then you're too expensive and they ghost and if too little you're low status or lack confidence and they ghost; because they've been infected by female mentality from HR bitches.

Alrenous said...

The best part is they have no idea how much money is too much until you ask and they consult their fee-fees.

But you can't just run Game on them. Although it works, there is a male accountant in the chain somewhere. "Hire someone your department can afford, or it's coming out of your pay." If they smack the bitch, she (male) will be too embarrassed about getting scammed, and you get ghosted.