Monday, September 16, 2024

All anti-slavery comes from genesis, doesn't it

 The entire conduit of slavery-condemnation flows through genesis, doesn't it. "Slavery was bad when it happened to the jews [it didn't happen] therefore slavery is always bad." 

 This isn't sufficient, but it is necessary.
 There's lots of things that are exactly as bad or worse than slavery, but they're absolutely obsessed with this one  single issue. 

 "I'm so rich I can afford to free my slaves. Envy me!"

 "Nuh uh! I'm so rich I can afford to free your slaves! Whether you want me to or not!"

 Clearly this strategy can work on a huge variety of things. "I'm so rich I can afford to pamper every cow I intend to slaughter for meat!" Why is it done on slavery in particular?

 Because it's in the bibble. All the christians needs to compete on how bookish they are. "I'm the nerdiest." "Nuh uh, I'm way nerdier." 

 That and the egalitarianism angle. With the three together, it is sufficient. Even rainbow trannies can't make an egalitarianism argument for farm animals. Slaves, tho...they have the correct number of arms, and almost seem like they can talk...

 "Oh also let's all enslave each other. Democracy is Tyranny, and that's awesome." Democracy is the worst form of government. Finally. At last, relief: that's what we like about it.   



 "I'm so rich I can afford to help my enemies! They're not really enemies - they can't hurt me!"
 ...which would be fine, if it wasn't a lie.

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