Monday, September 23, 2024

Anti-Cult Principle 3: Don't Separate the Family

 Or rather, everyone is in a cult. Every social group is a cult. See also: all child-raising is brainwashing. A good cult improves your relationship with your parents instead of damaging it. 

 However, numeracy: sometimes, [no contact] is an improvement. Some relationships are so bad that deleting them is an improvement. 

 Indeed I've never witnessed a parent-child relationship that couldn't be improved to zero. My congenital optimism says this is a coincidence or nonrepresentative sample. Logic says that a parent that would willingly send their own blood off to be tortured by pedophiles for 13 years should also be bad when the spawn is at home. 


 Bit of a problem, that. Mortals are evil. Consequently, normally parents are a cost, rather than a benefit. Makes it hard to tell a bad cult from a good cult, as they both try to improve the relationship with the parents to zero.

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