Saturday, September 14, 2024

Empathy is Manual

 Mortals excuse themselves by saying that when empathy is automatically triggered, they feel empathy.

 Being properly empathetic requires transcending humanity. You must habitually stop, then intentionally ask yourself: what will this look like not from my perspective, but from the outside? It demands training and discipline, meaning Democratic Man believes displaying empathy is actively dishonouring God. For preference, they want it to be illegal. 

 For example, journalist headlines regularly read stuff like, "Is it worth it?" They will not answer this question. Instead, during the course of what it pleases them to call their research, they will answer the question to their own satisfaction, then forget that their readers have not seen their [research] from their first-person perspective. I believe it's answered, therefore, everyone believes it is answered, see? Makes perfect sense. Everyone is identical, after all.  

 This is why scientific papers are supposed to have abstracts. The goal is to answer a question. Summarize the question, summarize the answer found, and why it was found to be that way.

 I found empathy is useful for predicting how someone else is going to behave. (Question implicitly summarized.) If I know how things appear from their perspective, and I know how they think and what they value, I can safely predict they will pursue the highest EV action they are aware of, with respect to those values. (Falsification criterion precisely implied, in turn implying how to answer the question.) I found it was not useful for getting paid, because I refuse to enable masochism, and supporting non-masochism goals will not be rewarded.

 P.S. Women in particular confuse sympathy with empathy, deliberately avoiding any knowledge of what words mean to ensure the confusion continues. Viewing a situation with someone else in it makes them vividly imagine how she herself would feel in that situation. She speaks and behave as if the other person is feeling what she now imagining she would feel. In part this is due to cognitive overload - all that emotion in their own mind consumes neurons, leaving none left to model another mind. However, if you are the other person and mention you're not feeling what they imagine they would feel, they will, typically violently, try to force you to behave as if you're feeling what she imagines she would feel. This is especially amusing when it's another woman who is revealing by example that the "empathic" woman is imagining incorrectly.

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