Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Politics vs. Civilization

 Moldbug correctly notes the false distinction between democracy and politics. Extension: note the false distinction between politics, of polis, and civilization, from citatem and civis. 

 Technically there's a difference: polis is greek for city, whereas civis is latin for townsman. Demos is greek for plebeian, thus Democracy refers to the city or town less the patricians, excellence, or arete. 

 Words secretly retain their intent. Unless someone is going full strategic Satanist, they're used because their original meanings apply to the referent.

 Woke more correct: politics is indeed bad. However, due to the lack of boundaries, this means cities are bad. Anything which condemns politics condemns civilization itself. We find, again, civilization is worse than barbarism.

 I believe this is because anything which is recognizable as a civilization is based on black government, not white government. As per plato, civilization always degrades into democracy, because black government is dysgenic and otherwise degenerative. The deviant inherently trades away the long term for the short-term high.

 This is not to suggest a solution. As always, revenge is sour. The condition of a natus being able to set up a non-degenerate larger-than-Amish society is that they already have a white government. The peoples degenerate themselves because they're already core-level sinners. The loss of their Earthly virtue is merely the physical converging upon the spiritual. I would say they deserve it, but it's more like it already happened.

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