Wednesday, September 25, 2024

School is a Shared Cultural Touchstone, Considered Harmful

 I've mentioned before that having no roads is better than having roads provided by a black government. 

 Using school, we can see that sharing experiences is hardly unimportant. However, note that the nature of those experiences is more important. 

 School is the shared experience of being a slave. A bureaucrat-slave. Or slave-bureaucrat. 

 It would unquestionably be better to be wholly atomized. The status quo is far worse than nothing. 

 Tests marked down from 100. Monovariate, linear class position. Nannyism worse than what toddlers face - they can go in the diaper, they don't need permission. Let me say that again: even toddlers don't need permission slips for the washroom, but school students victims do. Obsession with the classes of special ed, normal, or gifted. No useful activity whatsoever. Money de-facto banned. All adults exiled, except the prison warden. On and on.

 The shared touchstone of the [land of the free] is the worst possible tyranny, administered by the worst possible characters.


 We find again that a country is its religion, just as ye olde cities such as athens were defined religiously. Separation of church and state makes exactly as much sense as separation of cash and economy. (E.g. star trek.) To have a real country, it is necessary for the residents to physically convene, physically share rituals, and do so under the eves of an institution which has the explicit purpose of upholding the society in question. Ideally, non-empty rituals that have meaningful results when carried out properly. Start with making chairs if you can't think of anything better. Have national furniture. I would at least break it down into the three castes, to avoid farce. 

 And, especially, not limited to only children. Especially not via kidnapping.

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