Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Fiction Day

 AN: There's so many ""whacky"" characters in modern fiction that I would like you to imagine one of those genre-aware deconstructions, except the straight man was, like, actually straight. It would be worth having someone act like a genuine real-life normal person, perhaps even most characters acting normal, just to be different.

 "I think Amelia might be into you," Josh smirked. 

 Leo took a candy from the gobsmacked dish. Neutronium brain had struck again.

 "She's always coming over when I'm hanging out with you," Josh continued. 

 Leo rubbed his nose. "Josh. She's coming over to talk to you."

 "Come on man, we're not like that! I've known Ammy forever. The mysterious Leo on the other hand..."

 The stammering. The blushing. The playing with her hair...none of it had any impact.

 Leo changed the subject...

 ...when the day was wrapping up, Leo pulled Amelia aside. "Hey class rep, I need to talk to you for a sec." 

 Glasses were flashed. Glare clouds on the horizon threatened the inclement weather Leo was used to getting. "What is it, Leo?" 

 "It won't take long."

 Leo caught Josh waggling his eyebrows. Leo returned a dry smile, and pulled Amelia around the corner.

 "Class rep." The situation drew another sigh from the boy. "Josh has no idea you like him."

 Amelia squeaked and fidgeted. "I-I have nno idea what you mean."

 "I sort of wonder if I'm breaking confidence saying this...but on the other hand, I don't care. Point is, if you don't ratchet it up, he's not going to notice." 

 Amelia didn't reply. Her eyes darted around, as if the prison communist concrete bloc drab school architecture would furnish her with an escape. 

 "He thinks you might like me." 

 Amelia jolted in shock. "What?!?"

 "Yeah. Maybe try two notches more blatant. Hopefully...hopefully...that will help. I'll let you know! Good luck!" Leo offered a cheery wave and left Amelia with her thoughts.

 It really hadn't taken long.

AN2: Doesn't count as properly [original]. "What if the characters did the obvious thing," is too obvious. Hasn't been done yet though. A change is like a rest they say. That's wrong, but you know what they mean. 

 Authors prefer to drag out their self-assessed-as-tiny stock of ideas using [[misunderstandings]] a goldfish wouldn't fall for. Though I sometimes worry the nihonjin really are that deficient in social skills...

 There's a couple misunderstanding comedies that are good. Authors dead in both cases. Arrogant master variation 4 got decently long before the author metaphorically sought canadian healthcare. Though the grammar is authentically awful as per ESL norms. Like a real xianxia translation. That aside, exceptions embarrassing the rule through epic levels of contrast.

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