Friday, September 27, 2024

The Scholar Caste Does Not Require your Cooperation

Without the scholar caste, without theory, it is impossible to distinguish improvement and decay. 

Without the scholar caste, without theory, it is impossible to distinguish tradition and sclerosis. 


 Without the scholar caste, you can't have tradition, only neophobia. You must change and adapt. Without the scholar caste, you cannot change. You can only have flailing and Darwinian selection. 


 It is necessary to know what you're trying to do and why you're trying to do it. The merchant caste will forget instantly. The warrior caste is all, "Don't know, don't care." (Correctly.) It must be the scholar caste. 

 Here's my bizarre, crazy idea: respect the merchant caste in trade. Respect the warrior caste in war. Respect the ideas of the scholar caste.
 Nonsense and balderdash...I know...

 You don't have to, of course. Scholars don't need your cooperation. We can just scam you. "We vibe now bro, you can't fool-" "Yeah like I've never falsified a vibe before. Lol." 

 Either way works for us.

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