Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Bottom Line on Class and Race

 The peasants are revolting. The nature of peasants is to be revolting. 

 Angle 1: peasants point as the lesser races so as to excuse their own behaviour. "They're worse, so we must be angels."

 Y'all send your kids off to pedophiles to be tortured. Morality isn't real, but if it were, you would both be so far beyond the moral event horizon we would need a telescope to confirm you're even on the map. Here, at the foundation of reality, lewontin was right: the differences between the distributions don't matter.

 You torture your kids. You torture anyone who can't violently stop you. Your sons torture flies and frogs. Your daughters torture each other. The nature of peasantry is incomprehensibly vile.

 Angle 2: the [[uncivilized]] races have unsustainable methods of torture. Some of them die and can no longer suffer. The [[civilized]] races ensure the victim lives as long as possible. The [[civilized]] races spare no expense, even holding back on torture, to maximize the number of victims. 

 I keep thinking that it surely can't be as bad as it looks. This [surely] has never been correct. It's always exactly as bad as it looks.

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