Monday, September 2, 2024

Canard: Nonverbal Communication

 They say 90% of communication is nonverbal. This is probably true, if you're a child and don't know what words mean. If the intended payload has to be discarded 90% of the time, yeah the successful payload is going to be largely nonverbal. 

 Being inarticulate or nonfluent should be restricted to children, but is not. If 50% of the adult population is generally nonverbal, that would be an optimistic estimate. That's the floor. Can't be lower.

 Most humans learn to "talk" exactly the way a dog learns tricks. You drill them on a call-and-response ritual. "Hello, how are you." "I'm fine." The dog doesn't know what "walk" means, the dog only knows the sound is associated with going outside. The dire ape doesn't know what "how are you" means, they know it's associated with meeting and with saying [I'm fine]. A dog with a bigger hard drive or better audio compression scheme.


rezzealaux said...

some isekai i read: 'first time dealing with nobles? let me give you some advice: take care what you say. we pay attention and will hold you to it.'

Alrenous said...

based ice-k

Anonymous said...

Dogs can say herro but not hor arr rou

Alrenous said...

Gimmick site idea: "dog howl or engrish"