Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Juveniles Run Canada, According to Canada

Zeroth: "We are as weak as a little girl." When someone tells you about themselves, believe them. 

Anyway, first: we learn that little grade school girls are in charge of freezing bank accounts in Canada. No wonder there's no standards - it's just whoever makes her cry that day. Hope she didn't watch Titanic recently. 

"Sally, aren't those protesters mean and bad and also mean? Don't you think we should arrest them?"

"Ummm...." (She looks puzzled. Maybe she's thinking the bouncy castles look fun, or she's not quite fluent yet.)

"We arrest bad guys, don't we Sally?"

"Yeah mommy! I arrest them!" 

Free country lol. Nice joke.

Second, maskers and anti-maskers deserve each other. Maskers are hypochondriacs? Yes, indeed. Anti-maskers, also, are hypochondriacs. The surgical mask barely affects your breathing (except maybe in children, can't really try that myself). If you feel suffocated it's psychosomatic.
Indeed the fact it doesn't suffocate you may be (50%) exactly why it doesn't function as a bacterial filter. It's got those big vents all around.

Omnihypochondria. If you can't be a victim of a slave master or tyrant, you can at least be the victim of a fictive disease, right? 

As always, (((America's))) problem {and (((Canada's)))} is that it's well over 80% full of (((Americans))).


geroge said...

When they wrote "no cruel and unusual punishment" they meant no jail but executions only but then women once given the vote reversed it because they think men being raped in prison is funny.

Alrenous said...

Women don't mind being locked in a small room with a violent man. They do mind getting hit with a hard stick, and definitely mind the sight of blood.

Therefore prison is "humane" and flogging is "inhumane."

"Jail is like being grounded, but for longer, right?" They want to treat the poor disadvantaged criminal kindly and gently, like a child. They see the criminal in the press, therefore feel sorry for him, especially when he's executed. (Also some of them feel horny, which doesn't help.) They don't see the victim, because privacy or propaganda or whatever, so out of sight out of mind.