Friday, December 9, 2022

Found Out I Have Modest Iron Deficiency

I have subtle ridges on my fingernails which would be big 'ol ridges if I had proper anemia, plus the correct constellation of co-morbidities.

I have an insufficiently acidic stomach, most likely due to [use it or lose it], with periods of excessive alkaline (dairy) to encourage some type-2 diabetes of the hydrochloric glands. This means I don't absorb iron easily. 

My "healthy" diet, according to McGovern, lead to: calcium deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, omega-3 deficiency, severe iodine deficiency, vitamin B deficiencies, and, new entry, iron deficiency. The Ca deficit is also acid-related, probably.
Having an "unhealthy" diet of salty red meat, heavy cream, and seaweed has been unmistakably superior. Even in the extremely unlikely event that this diet costs me 10 years of life off the back, to stop eating this way I would have to be a moron.
Not coincidentally, I find vinegar delicious. I can give my gastric bits a break by supplementing meals with vinegar. As a bonus, significant vinegar limits bacterial blooms on the teeth.


lowly said...

What was the original healthy diet?

Alrenous said...

McGovern food pyramid stuff.

JBPGuy said...

Supplement vitamin C heavily, at least 3 grams per day. (calcium/ vitamin d are generally on the same axis as the thyroid/ iodine) If you already do, perhaps an issue with B12 absorption, but, given the high meat diet, probably not.

Now that you've moved away from glucose metabolism you will burn vitamin C at a lower rate, but, practically speaking, you really can't overdo it.

Dave Sora said...

Salty red meat is worth dying for bro. And someday we may have to in the Great Vegan Wars of 2077.