Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Shocking News: Hoe math is a ho

 Accidentally revealed his hand. The usual trying-usurp-Satan-type Nameless One worshipper. The cover is less shallow than usual, I suppose. P.S. the fact that datepsych is worse and hoemath is better doesn't preclude hoemath being not good enough. Who is envying whom is not an important issue.

 Let's do a quick set 4. "Videogames are for manchildren." "We need to take back star wars." 

 This is what we call a [liar].

 Saying both VG and TV are for irrelevant manchildren is at least consistent. You can evaluate the state of the genome: nobody does this. 

 On the plus side, I worked out why chicks say they hate VG so much. It's precisely because it isn't chock-full of propaganda. "How dare you not chug the poison." Goodness, you're right, what was I thinking.
 Woke VG almost always fails immediately. Woke TV works fine and has since the days of silent video; you have to go all the way to cuties before you see serious pushback. 

 Most likely the reason he hates videogames is the same for every VG hater: he was challenged to a game and lost. Whoops. He tells you not to care about VG precisely because he does care about VG, as opposed to laughing off the loss as "meh, it's just a game."

 Most likely he does want to take back star wars et al because recognizing that TV watchers are manchildren is too [blackpill] for him. Secondarily, "Whoops, I accidentally my whole audience."
 You get it, right? In what way, shape, or form did star wars fans, of all people, deserve to fend off the feminist invasion? I bet the Amish have male-only spaces. I haven't checked, it's just a hunch. Have you tried deserving a male-only space? 

 I bet you, dear reader, can find a de-facto male-only space. I bet you can find one very, very easily. Do you even need to move your eyes?

 Hoe math doesn't like anime because he's a ho. Anime isn't chock-full of Nameless Regime propaganda. It's not [popular] or [socially acceptable]. Hence, a) who cares and b) it's important that everyone holds anime in contempt, upholding the feminist order. 

 Whoopsie doodle.

 Aposiopesis is a sin. If men weren't weak, feminism would never have worked on them. Men are weak because black government is dysgenic.


 Check: who is your pope? Who is your king? No king? Not right wing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
 Knows curt doolittle personally, did not take him as his pope. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


 "But alrenous, democracy occurs when there are no worthy kings." Yes. You know that, I know that, but they don't know that. They're not eschewing kings due to having taste, they perceive kings then choose not to enter the king's hierarchy. 

 In abject submission to the Nameless tyrant, it is not even attempted.
 It is not illegal to swear fealty to your rightful lord...because it doesn't need to be.

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