Sunday, October 20, 2024

Justice & Schizophrenia

 For my sins, I saw someone ask why god gave them schizophrenia. I guess I'll answer.

 Your parents shouldn't have bred. Can't evolve schizophrenia if you're not born.

 Some of your ancestors married someone they shouldn't have. Perhaps sired a bastard, or bred with a bastard; it's only a hunch. 

 You would have done the same in their place. You have their genes because you're basically the same person. Hence, you are justly punished with the consequences of the actions you would have taken. Likewise, they are punished by having their bloodline go schizophrenic. It is the fruits of their wisdom. Or, rather, the fruits of your own wisdom.

 "I used to be very well versed in the christian faith and the bible."
 I would punish that with, among things, schizophrenia. Turns out god agrees with me.
 Or rather, reading the bibble is comorbid with schizophrenia, as they have a single harmonious root cause. The risk factors for these two vices are the same factors.

 "before this illness showed up my head and heart was filled with truths and love"
 "that didn't seem to prevent it."
 No, it wouldn't, lmao.  


 (P.S. "I ask why for 13 years I was an atheist only now to see the truth and become a Christian just to end up killing myself."
 Shocking. I'm sure I have no idea how that could have happened.)


 Some diseases are especially karmic. If you perceive yourself as callous, expect a heart attack; if the little voice inside you is calling you heartless, you will, sooner or later, delete your physical heart. If you go all-in on being a liar, you will develop alzheimer's if you don't die of something else first. If you indulge in unflavoured self-hatred, you will die of cancer, such as my parents.

 Schizophrenia is likely a species of highly karmic disease.  Schizophrenics stress themselves in particular way, and break along the cleavage which is the source of the stress in the first place.

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