Saturday, October 19, 2024

Alrenous Horror

 The most horrifying thing you've seen is a saw movie. Maybe something from Lovecraft. I suppose some of those gore sites that even as a kid I knew better than to go anywhere near. Apparently youtube has videos of someone sawing off a head using a rusty tool in real life. I wouldn't know.

 The most horrifying thing I've seen is this thing.

 Something seems to have happened to NPCs. Ironically, they got noticed when they achieved some faint dusting of consciousness. True NPCs blend in fully. It's nearly impossible to notice there's anything there. The eye slides off, as if from a blank background.

 The pure emptiness. No, Lovecraft, it doesn't howl. True emptiness is silent and still. There are rocks, literal minerals, with more self-awareness than anyone involved in that show. It's clear that's exactly how it's supposed to be.  

 Admittedly it does feel like it should be howling. A direct portal into a starless outer space.
 When you're with Today's Special, you're more alone than a man standing on a deserted planet. Firefly reavers look stable and healthy by comparison; they want to suffer and die. The show denies the very idea of want...insofar as something so empty can be said to be capable of denial.

 "The existence of the uncanny valley suggests evolution has selected for the ability to detect things which look human, but aren't." What's this about [suggest]? Here's your type specimen.

 If someone sawed off one of these things' heads, would they even notice? there anything even there? If you drove a car through that alleged store, would you hit anything? Would there even be air resistance?

 It's not merely the actors, or the script, someone approved this. An even worse show was passed over for this one. Someone, correctly, considered this to be not only good, but normal.  Believing, correctly, many others would also see it as normal. There were set engineers, cameramen, editors. There are several seasons of this gobsmacking hole in reality. It's not some lone homeless pickle-brained alcoholic.

 To anyone alive, this show looks like alien robots attempting to copy human emotion, using only descriptions written by 7-year-olds for writing practice. It's wrong. Every detail is off. It shouldn't even possible to be this twisted.
 Some self-replicating nanobot swarm whose creators died off, forever trying to mimick them...without having the notion of [trying], because they are less alive than billiard balls. If they seem alive at all at any point, it means they accidentally succeeded at the illusion. A failure of your perception, not of their emptiness. 

 One exception: the constant passive-aggressive sniping is highly sophisticated. "Jodie was supposed to be helping me, but I couldn't find her anywhere." Well, yes, blacks are lazy and irresponsible. We have to act like it's no big deal, since it's not like you can expect anything better. If we got to see the rest of their day, you would notice he never let it go...
 Teaching children how to abuse each other. Very important.
 Bonus round: they're supposed to be playing together, but they're not even social enough for parallel play. It's not even onlooker play. When it's not mere talk, when the rubber hits the road, these are allist-mannered simulacra engaging in full-test autism. He couldn't find jodie anywhere, but he doesn't mention it to her, he tells the disembodied viewer. Nonverbal autism.

 Double bonus round: the extremely Communist wardrobes. Less stylish than a bullet to the back of the head, including cordite stains. I have to assume someone who didn't totally lack consciousness spent a lot of effort to maximize the hideousness, without cheating by hanging gobs of rotting meat off the collar. Someone who can't have had any direct connection to the show.

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