Friday, October 18, 2024


 Factoring out the DNC/CIA factor, martha's vinyard is a nice place to live. They're allowed to reject immigrants, regardless of how many infinity immigrants are elsewhere in the country. Doubtless there are several other enclaves with similar attributes. Refer to the [doesn't show up in the news] criterion.

 They didn't need some [collective action] to secure their shit. They don't see any systemic problems.
 I refer, again, tediously, to the Amish. You can't use their infinity dollars as an excuse. The solution to the problem isn't to rebel against the arch-rebel, not to out-lie the father of lies, not to usurp usurpation itself, but to not have generations upon generations of sin. (It turns out securing your shit results in the ability to rake in infinity dollars - the usual causation is backwards, as usual. A journalism.)

 Revealed preferences: americans don't much care about pedophilia. Epstein's body double was (probably) killed, which americans read correctly. "This is above your station."
 Note, it's not actual pedophilia, it's ephebophilia. There's a world of difference between raping a child who can't get pregnant, and raping a girl who can get pregnant. Americans don't appreciate this difference, however. If Epstein's clients had been raping 4-year-olds, americans would not have reacted differently.
 The society of american elites includes a thriving pedophile industry (in american perception). Their reaction to this fact: bitch about kamala on social Envy media. Slavery not a big deal, not even underage sex slavery, provided it's being done by those of higher status. E.g. smoking is done primarily by those of lower status, so you're allowed to persecute smokers as much as you want. 

 Like, priorities. Allegedly, the second worst crime imaginable, short of concentration-camp genocide, is being committed by the alleged ruling class. Being done on behalf of americans, using american money. 

 Their plan is to hope voting, which they've been given permission to do, is going to maybe fix it. If they're lucky.

 Perhaps you don't see the connection. I probably wouldn't either, if I wasn't the one writing it.

 Priorities: find out how martha's vinyard gets away with deporting immigrants, and do that. Make your own neighbourhood function the same way.
 Priorities (if you have morality, lol): stop the pedophilia. 

 These are drop-everything priorities. The house is on fire. Nothing else matters until you put it out. Why are you talking about the weather? Why does the NFL have nonzero viewership? The fucking house is on fire. Your clothes are literally on fire. You are developing 3rd degree burns.

 Option 1: americans are incapable of having priorities. Like rocks or the wind. Set coal on fire, it doesn't react.
 Option 2: americans are incapable of pursuing priorities. Their [strategy] gland has been amputated. They are dice. A shuffled deck of cards. Lower than amoebas.
 Option 3: americans don't see these things as priorities. Talk contrary to walk. 

 Herd-americans can't even coordinate enough to stampede in the same direction. Not without permission. Presumably, predator/pack american is a contradiction in terms.

 Option 3: americans, aside from the psycho lords who live in martha's vinyard and georgetown &c, have lived in sin for generations. The fact this traps them in horrible no-win situations is a feature, not a bug. For them, losing is winning. Winning is losing. Infinity immigrants gang-raping all your daughters? Everything working as intended. 

 When americans say they're having difficulty, they are lying. When they say they can't have nice things, they are lying. 

 Of course, they're welcome to prove me wrong at any time. I'm merely disappointed with myself for taking them seriously for even a full second.

 P.S. Americans say they believe there's something specially outrageous about trafficking girls under the age of 18. Instead it's painfully normal, and indeed americans react to it like it's basically normal. The fact it's forbidden makes it more likely, rather than less: the social class that was always doing it can now signal they can get away with breaking the rules, while doing what they were going to do anyway. Value up, price the same as it always was. (Except for Epstein's body double, who pays extra.)
 For additional perspective, black government is traitorous, and kidnapping not-fully-grown girls is also traitorous. If you accept one, it's impossible not to accept the other. Further: americans think it's normal to send their genuinely-juvenile children off to be tortured by pedophiles until their soul is killed. Even americans can't bring themselves to be authentically outraged by trafficking pubescent prostitutes, after submitting to that system. Even bigots and christians can't sustain that level of hypocrisy.

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