Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Reminder that Women Can't Abstracts

 Women can't understand the idea of [men] per se. What they understand is specific concrete instances of [man].

 E.g. if she says, [the world would be great without men] what she means is she feels like the world would be perfect if one particular male that she is currently mad at did not exist. 

 E.g. [I hate men] means she's mad at her dad, or mad at her ex. 

 The woman is confused when you treat these as real abstracts rather than fake abstracts. She's not putting it abstractly because she wants to talk about general categories, she puts it abstractly because she perceives this is the fashion. She's signalling submissiveness. She believes it is completely obvious that the abstract is fake and you're supposed to ask about how the poor darling was hurt recently by some specific character in her life. 

 The woman is perfectly aware that her feeling is meaningless and effervescent, which is why she doesn't offer a disclaimer. She's taking it for granted so hard that, if you don't take it for granted, she assumes you're just being mean - genuinely can't comprehend not taking it for granted.

 It's not about the facts. She's obviously upset. You're supposed to comfort her. "But I'm some random stranger?" No you can't possibly be some random stranger. She hasn't gone outside - no woman is ever allowed outside. She hasn't snuck past the guard at the fence to try to get raped by the cannibal tribe hunting the next herd over. You have to be Ingroup. You're either family or a close family friend. Clan member. 

 It's important, so I'll say it repeatedly: it's not about the facts. She doesn't care about the facts, statements of fact are merely vehicles for confessing her feelings. It's hard to work out because she doesn't know how to speak so good. Not particularly fluent or literate. Let her have a few tries. Triangulate what she was trying to say.

 A fortiori: she doesn't care about the facts, she will never behave based on the facts. She won't even act based on her feelings. She can't do anything if a man doesn't allow her first. She's going to do what she perceives she was told to do, regardless, regardless, and regardless. If you talk to her on a factual level you're just being mean. 

 If she's telling you all men are pigs are whatever, well, she can't be talking about you, can she? You're the one she's trying to manipulate into comforting her. Does she want comforting from a pig? Clearly not? Even women aren't that dumb. It's a 4-point IQ difference, not a 25-point.

 Don't treat women like they're men. Even if she asks to be treated with [respect] or whatever. Especially don't treat them like men if they ask to be treated like men. It will not work out for you.
 Unless you want to pick a fight and have a gossip war declared on you, I suppose. Then yeah, it's just the thing. Go nuts. 

 It can't possibly be her fault, after all. It happened to her because some man told her to do it, and she did, because everything she does is because some man told her to do it. She's mad at that specific man, and perhaps can't admit it to you because he's scary and might get mad back. Men have social skills, right? You can guess what she's really thinking based on some vague hints, right? Better skills than her, at any rate.

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