Sunday, October 13, 2024

Renounce Satan, Renounce Humanity

 Humans are the children of Satan. Satano hypocriens.
 Satan was the father of lies.
 If you renounce lying, you renounce Satan, and you renounce your humanity. 

 You must renounce your ancestors. It's inevitable.
 All Satanists will betray their ancestors. Treachery is their blood and their soul.
 For a human to renounce Satan, they must renounce their ancestors. They must condemn all their ancestors who did not disavow Satan, and they must themselves disavow their ultimate ancestor, Satan.


 Perhaps sourness pertains to its usual home, revenge. Provided you are already not human, you are capable of renouncing dishonesty. Still, it's worth an attempt. 

 It goes without saying, but I will say it anyway.
 I abjure all deceit. I refuse all treachery. I swear to speak the truth, I swear to speak the whole truth, I swear speak nothing but the truth, with God and all that is holy as my witness and my guarantor.
 I will choose to die before I choose to willingly lie. Allow me annihilation before I should permit falsehood to pass my lips. Let nothing, not myself, not my own ignorance, stand in the way of its fulfillment.
 Fiat vox veritatis, et ruat caelum, et pereat mundus.


Anonymous said...

Why were the Greeks great?
Because they were selfish, because they were in it for themselves, because they did not even need to renounce humanity and its father, they simply did not know what humanity was!
Also a hint for knowing other (actual, not History-approved) great men and peoples.

Alrenous said...

Lost the plot at the end there a bit. Too much conformity, turned into propaganda.

Basic thrust seems sound.