Thursday, October 17, 2024

In Shocking News, Whores are not Mothers

 The potential mothers who would hate their own children are removing themselves from the gene pool.

 This is, apparently, [bleak]. 

 The heavens: "SUFFER LESS"

 These guys: "NO!!! FUCK YOU FUCK YOUUUUU!!!!!111!!!"

 Goddamn mortals. Every time.
 Someone shoving divine mercy down their throats, and they're coughing and gagging themselves and doing everything they can to spite it.

 Check the early life section. To see if they were born, as opposed to spontaneously appearing. Mortals gonna mort. 

  "Let's remove the worst traitors from existence without a war, plague, famine, or mass executions."

 ...well, okay then, I suppose. We can do it the other way too. 


 Thread doesn't even describe events correctly. The culture has decided that sex is for pleasure, rather than for children. Not coincidentally, women become uglier when they a) are pregnant or b) give birth. Nulliparous women are higher-quality sex (for pleasure) objects, nulligravidous maidens even more so.

 Females are merely obediently being prostitutes. Doing as they're told. Insofar as any women are having children, it is by mistake or via pure subversive rebellion.

 Kirk here just wants prostitutes to have kids. Being a whore is fine, but being a sterile whore isn't cool, apparently. "Kindly reduce your own value [[[for society]]], plz and tks." Let's see how this works out for him.

 P.S. Fun fact, chaste women are significantly less healthy, sometimes lethally so, than mothers. The risk of dying in childbirth is overwhelmed by the marginally increased risk to everything else. Especially less healthy than mothers who first gave birth early in life. Though perhaps spinsters are spinsters because they are unhealthy, rather than unhealthy because they are spinsters. 

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