Saturday, October 12, 2024

Let's Pretend Fake Hungarian Curiosity is Real

 "If this is the case, then we need to answer the question of why it is sensible to corral two such large countries together into a hostile camp. This question has yet to be answered in any meaningful way."

 Allow me. Most of the world is very simple provided you're not lost in a fog of hallucinations, learning disabilities, and clinical personality disorders.  

 America is ruled by a scholar caste. The purpose of america is to force everyone to mouth american priestly dogmas. Everything else is secondary to achieving intellectual dominance. At least, dominance in appearance.

 Russia and china openly disagree with american priests. They are not corralled, they volunteered. To permit deviation from american dogma would be to betray the foundation of the country. It's pointless if it can't achieve (the appearance of) global totalitarian mind domination.
 For example, the only point of winning a war, to the american high priest, is to make someone afraid of the consequences of spouting heresy. To attempt to win a war at the cost of permitting heresy would be an outrageous abomination, and no american, even dissident americans, would ever entertain such an idea.
 Same thing with money. The only point of making america rich is to cow or bribe mouths into saying the lines americans put in them. If maintaining american wealth comes at the cost of heresy, so much the worse for american wealth. Better dead than not-red.

 E.g. China achieves substantial tranquilization of rabid americanism by claiming to be Communist. Flatters american egos. Likewise, they portray oriental despotism as the priestly orthodoxy of american universities, using features such as the rigid, brittle, and sadistic hierarchy they have in common. Chinamen mouth the pietudes, which [gives face] to the americans who self-appoint as chinese handlers, and receiving face is the whole point of the american project. They mouth the pietudes in English, anyway - it's not like navel-gazing Imperials are going to bother to learn hanzi. Won't notice much of what han say amongst themselves. 


 The reason orban can't understand the question is that he already understands. He wants to do the same thing. He's a priest, exactly like american priests, except with some minute doctrinal differences on account of not being part of the club that conquered the world already. To condemn america in spade words, he would have to condemn himself. There would be no hiding it even from dullards.
 I do hear that crime is low in hungary. Assuming this is true, it's not because orban is based. He's cringe. Low crime merely a happy coincidence of politics or face. Either he needs it to maintain power, he's doing it because he desperately needs to prove he's "different" for psychological reasons. Or it's not even true.
 Americans want to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Orban wants to provoke intellectual envy and resentment. Everything else is not merely secondary, but does not even rate. Too worthless to meter.
 I mean, duh. Black government is cancerous, not cooperative. One ought to expect the winners of the black government game to be especially cancerous.

 You would expect orban to be cringe based on his physiognomy, and anyone who doesn't see it is lying. They do see it. They're partisans. They're pro-cringe, provided it's not that other flavour of cringe. Want skub, not buks. 

 Hungary is trying to raise the birth rate.
 >divorce is still legal, no-fault
 Whoopsie doodle. Kinda showing your hand there, chaps.
 "Until death do us part, or if I feel like living in a different house (i.e. another man's) for a few years."

 P.S. Gonna spade it: "In our conception, the world is made up of nation states which exercise a domestic monopoly on the use of [crime], thereby creating a condition of general [crime]."

 "Here we must talk about the secret of [prey] greatness. What is the secret of [prey] greatness? The secret of greatness is to be [in a great herd]."

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