Monday, October 21, 2024

Gurus to Modern Masculinity

 "Masculinity gurus" like Andew Tate seem so fake because of the modern disease: Whereas men throughout history--everybody from Alexander to Napoleon--thought the epitome of being a man was the ability to lead other men, for the Tates "being alpha" is the ability to herd women.

 To lead a modern man, you have to manipulate him. He has to think following you isn't following you, it's his own idea. His Quaker Inner Light (secular, materialist) told him to do it.
 What other gender do you need to manipulate to make them do what you want?

 When given the option, men will try to get as many women as possible.

 Modern man can't even conceive of the idea that leading men hierarchically will cause a herd of women to swarm after you, even if you do nothing else. The idea of cad or rake doesn't occur to them; all women are prostitutes or adulteresses, and all men are rakes and cads.

 A guru [leads] by [persuasion], not via command. What a coincidence.

 To get many modern men following, they all have to be having the same idea at the same time. They can't subdivide jobs and work together, because that would be thinking different things, which will result in different trajectories. Under ideal conditions, the other trajectories won't apply force at the same time. If less than ideal, they get lost in the woods.
 Anything which doesn't fit wholly inside a single mind, specifically the dumbest, can't work.
 Anything which doesn't have immediately-obvious short-term utility can't work. A two-step plan whose first step makes no sense until the second step is complete won't get done. Unless the modern men can be scammed into taking the first step under false pretenses, and secondly taking the second step won't reveal the first one as a scam and bruise their delicate egos. Actual XX women can, at least, signal femininity through submission, meaning any form of obedience has short-term utility...

 The truth is, one video of a woman eating a cat in a driveway brings more attention than the fact that twenty thousand third-world migrants were dumped on a city with only 60,000 residents

 The video isn't even real in any meaningful sense.
 Don't understand math. That's work.
 Don't check authenticity. No due diligence.
 Bonus: if you post a woman-eating-cat video for some other town suffering just as badly as springfield, it won't get any traction. Very limited attention span and very limited memory.
 Won't defend themselves either, unless maybe/sometimes a cat-eating video gives them permission. Without strange outsider meddlers, they have nothing.

 Are manipulated. Have to be manipulated. The XYs blend in seamlessly with XXs. No reasoning ability, cannot be persuaded. Disregard logos, acquire pathos.

 concurrent complaints of frequent motor vehicle accidents, loitering, harassment of women, and all the other problems that one sees time and time again from a huge surge of unskilled people dependent on welfare and raised in an alien culture with no concept of local first-world norms. Nobody gives a single fuck. The "reporters" at "conservative" papers don't have a fucking clue, because nobody's doing any fucking legwork.

But one conservative podcast - even a low-effort grifter like Dim Fool - posts a video of a cat being eaten? And NOW it's real shit. And even if the "eating ducks out of the park" thing is proven false, the boomers won't care. They won't remember any of the discussion of the much, much more serious problems deliberately targeted and aided mass migration has brought to that city; even the testimony from citizens' own mouths. It'll just be "DEY EATIN DEM DUCKS!" and that'll be enough to swing some people. That's where we are. And probably where we've always been. Never forget what 100IQ actually means.

 I find the correct term for a man who can't be reasoned with is [slave]. You either enslave them openly, or enslave them using emotional hooks. Responsible metal chains, or irresponsible mental chains. If you don't enslave them, the next scammer to come across them will enslave them. It's not an optional outcome. 

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

"Women are pragmatists parading around as romantics

Men are romantics parading around as pragmatists

If you don’t understand this fact of life, you are going to have a bad time."

i'm gonna go with "no""