Sunday, March 31, 2024

Ultra Short Ver: Free Will is a Scam

 The standard definition is being able to act otherwise than you in fact acted. Focus on [you]. Why would you make a decision other than the decision you made? You would have to be a different person than you in fact were. Standard free will is the idea that you don't have to be identical to yourself. Despotic men of the lead age are so allergic to authority they try to deny the authority of the law of identity.


rezzealaux said...
eduard habsburg:
"We live in the time where our technocratic rulers are trying to convince us that we are only truly free if we are something different every day. You can be a man today and a woman tomorrow and a man the day after tomorrow and that's great, that's wonderful that's brilliant, and you can have blue hat today and a beard tomorrow. The idea is you're only truly free if you change all the time. I would say you're truly free if you become what you are and know what you are. If you know your roots, if you know your traditions. Habsburgs were always fiercely traditional people. They translated the traditions of the family into the time and that may mean doing things very differently. But first of all they knew where they came from. Habsburg son of the last emperor who I still knew and living legend for all of us and a great example, he had a saying in German [...] "Who doesn't know where he comes from, doesn't know where he's going, because he doesn't know where he stands.""

Alrenous said...

[Sell yourself into slavery] principle. If you can't, you're not free.

You're not free if you can't be something different every day. You're not free if you can't be the same thing every day. Yes, you're not free if you aren't allowed to have roots, if you're obligated to be deracinated, but likewise you're not free if you're obligated to have whatever roots eduard here thinks you 'must' have. Everyone has a unique history after all. If [freedom] is the opposite of going away from your roots, eduard has reconstructed the theocratic/underclass/woman [mandatory-or-forbidden] social regime.

P.S. can be something different insofar as that's physically possible.

rezzealaux said...

its apparently from a two hour talk that i havent watched. he just keeps reappearing on twitter every now and again.