Saturday, March 9, 2024

Taxation: the Joke

 Crime doesn't pay. Taxation is a crime. The proceeds of taxation are all spent on compliance and enforcement, and government has to be funded by voluntary contributions anyway. 

 E.g. lots of civil servants work far harder than they need to. Voluntary contributions.
 Police colleges don't teach policing, meaning all policing lore comes from the cops themselves. Insofar as police suppress criminals, it is by resisting the paperwork and thuggery regime, skimping on protocol to make time for baddie-napping. Everything that works is made to work through creative misinterpretation of the corrupt rules. 

 Taxation does little but set a whole bunch of time and money on fire. A mass sacrifice to profane gods.

 In rare cases men can appear to get rich through crime, such as Buffet or Gates, but do you think these men feel free? Gates can barely spend a dime of his own money on himself - it's all shaken down by the State. Soros is finally being allowed to partially retire at 93, likely because he is dying anyway. The funding for Musk's requisition of Twitter largely came from loans. Musk is famously homeless. Even when he had mansions, he clearly didn't have any time to spend in them. The money isn't worth anything if you can't spend it.

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