Monday, March 4, 2024

Alchemical Correspondance: Waerloga

 Warlock comes from waerloga.  Waer, "faith, fidelity; a compact, agreement, covenant" and leogan, officially "lies." Though it's clear even from minimal context that loga means violent dissonance. Warlock = oath-subverter, oath-smasher, oath-annihilator.


 I have mentioned previously that I was bullied in middle school. The ringleader was named Logan. One letter off leogan, one letter off loga. Now isn't that a coincidence?

 No. No it is not a coincidence.

 More: with no particular strategy on my part, by high school my reputation suffered an underflow and came out at the top. I kinda wish I knew what I did exactly, so I could tell you, and you could tell your own kids. "How to lay waste to the high school social scene in two easy steps." I became like a cryptid-celebrity. I would blame my looks, but I had, shall we say, enough acne. I'm average height. And so on. 

 Unless I already had cultivation pressure, I really don't know.

 Logan, leogan, lies and dissonance, tried with absolute vigor to attack me. The middle part was terribly uncomfortable. In the end, I benefitted. A lot, apparently. The truth prevailed, basically by accident.

 My life has, at least in part, a legitimate mythic structure. 


 I do know what I did to start it. Not patronizing enough. Looked weak. Reading too many books at school would have produced a minor problem, not a major one. I needed to accept that they were incompetents functionally decades younger than I was. Assume error; do not respect. Took them seriously when only one of us in the room was a serious person. 

 I was deluded, and I suffered for my delusion. 

 Yes, young me, everyone else does think what Logan (also one letter off slogan) is saying is dumb. They think it's so obviously stupid you're insulting them when you point it out. Not that they don't deserve it, but of course they're far too soft to hear it that way. Gently, gently. They're tiny baby children who don't know anything.

 If you know and use the mythic structures correctly, Alchemy is predictive. It is a science.
E.g. Taxation = theft, ergo, all tax-funded enterprises are profane. If you engage with them, you will be cursed.
Getting the structures wrong is easy, so getting them right is tricky, but once they're right, Alchemy is plain doing things the easy way. If you want you can dive into the details and figure out exactly how the taxation curse manifests itself, but economists have already done that. Or: because economists have already done it, you can quickly check your work.

 Second example: schools are tax-funded. They are curséd ground, full of monstrous evil, which twists anyone who submits to them. Easy.


rezzealaux said...

it dawns on me it was exactly as bad an idea i originally thought it was to have a bunch of "ex" criminals going around giving "motivational" speeches to children.

Alrenous said...

Did Mao employ "ex" criminals? At best he deliberately incited criminal behaviour in the previously docile. CIA gonna CIA.
The current CCP does this weird thing where they sometimes persecute corruption instead of asking for a cut.

Alrenous said...

Apropos of nothing. "I’ve invested over a decade of my life into this career, and to realize that all of it counts as nothing for the simple fact that I’m from a disfavoured group tastes like nuclear ash."

Feeling very smug about my decision to avoid getting a master's, a phd, or indeed even finishing a proper 4-year degree. And instead pursue, ah, alternate forms of revenue...
Sorry man, everyone with a brain saw that coming. I am honestly a bit puzzled how it didn't look like a profane theocracy to everyone else and not just me.

rezzealaux said...

>The current CCP does this weird thing where they sometimes persecute corruption instead of asking for a cut
this feels similar to the 'universalist west dies forever vs china reboots every hundred years' idea. "that could be my money" is universalist.

>"It’s not that the younger guys don’t understand that a system weighed down with parasitism must ultimately collapse. They understand that very well. That’s the point."
i think the primary problem for this guy is he thought he was creating value (see entire first paragraph). it seems he still thinks he could've created value, If It Weren't For Those DEIstardly Kids.
for me it was always clear school created no value. i just bought the Delayed Gratification meme: eeeeeverything bad now is outweighed by what comes after. ok, let's see if it does.
ideally i would've noticed that this deal costed a third (the most important third) of my life and that good deals have clear revocation clauses, but maybe that's why kumon kicked me out early.

Alrenous said...

I think the problem is that guy is a Fascist and didn't see any problem with a profane theocracy.
He only writes a "dissident" blog because the theocracy is not currently favouring him. "No no, be profane for my benefit. You're doing it wrong!"

Still trying to seize a whole country at once instead of minding his own local business/territory. Still anti-hierarchy. (Who is his Pope?) Still justifying taxation. Still won't secure his shit. Still diametrically opposite of responsibility and discipline. Still trying to out-lie Satan.

rezzealaux said...

this sounds isomorphic(?). "he thinks he creates value doing these things" and "it would be true in a theocracy that happens to favor him" therefore "he is a fascist".

Alrenous said...

Value = social status. Not, like, value to anyone else.