Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Twitter as Stupidity Exposure Vector

 With nitter down, I'm cut off from twitter, and it's dramatically reduced my stupidity exposure. 

 Took some weeks to notice a difference, but there was a phase change. I do enjoy following world news for various reasons, but now I know the difference, it's not enough to put up with all the stupidity. 

 I don't care what your congresscritter said. Nobody cares. Nobody needs to care. He's plain stupid, and thinking about what he said makes you stupid too. 

 If dunking on the stupidity reduced stupidity it would be worthwhile, but of course stupidity is a very renewable resource. Abundant, you might say. If the tyrannized were capable of forming communities, you could make a stupidity-free community, but of course they can't.

 I'm trying to think of a reason why hermitage is not the right answer, but coming up blank.


Anonymous said...

Apologies for ruining your hiatus from stupidity, but https://nitter.poast.org/ is the one instance that has been working for the past couple of weeks.

rezzealaux said...

kinda spoopy how we've been thinking about the same things lately
thinking things through and then its like hmm i wonder what alrenous thinks about this and then there it is
do you also happen to have picked up a videogame you haven't touched in a long time

Alrenous said...

I'm always playing old games, not to mention watching videos on old games and reading old novels. Maybe I'll do a post on dragon warrior 3.
Don't forget, as any darkest dungeon player must know, a low random chance is not in fact zero. Sometimes it happens.