Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Outsideness Divination 4; Compilation
>"... The Left's victories are "unearned" because the God-Satan duo are tormenting the Right exactly as they tormented Job -- to make a point unintelligible to secular history."

The "Right" is the Left, and Satan tormented the Left by request.
The Left wants self-destruction, and Satan was happy to sponsor and patronize this desire.
The Left wanted to spread suffering as well. Surely everyone wants to suffer, as they want to suffer? But, of course, Satan only had power over anyone if you first gave him permission. Exactly as claimed by Christianity.

"Get thee behind me, Satan." The prayer to invoke protection from Satan is a prayer to Satan himself. Nobody else is invoked. And it works; try it. 

Turns out humans love to give Satanists permission, though. In fact, it seems the Left was correct: torment is in high demand. The complaints about oppression are backhand compliments to the chef. Signals everything is working as intended. 

That said, devil-worshippers worship failure and misery. Without Satan's sponsorship they can't even spread suffering to willing and eager subjects. They try to enter mean miserable poverty and fail even that.

Imagine fucking up trying to be poor. Truly metaphysical losers.
>"I actually stamped 'Read this ************ if you want to clamber about in the abyss' on his forehead, just for slow types like you." "Okay, yes, you did. No need to be an utter asshole about it."

Err, there is if you're expecting to speak to Lucifer's heir and not some egregore. Try Siddhartha if you want someone to come across as all kind and gentle; don't metaphorically ask Mars to not make every conversation a fight. 

Like, what were you expecting.
>"Secular historical causation: A, B, C. Much more realistic ..."

Mortal frailty strikes again. In cosmic terms A=>C and C=>A are identical. In fact A and C were the same thing the whole time.
Materialist causation is divine causation, as properly understood.
Who do you think made the material world? Who made the rules? Allegedly-crass physics is a divine instrument with divine purpose.
>"... In other words, is Satan an ends-justify-the-means guy (and thus, through moral perversion, pro-Esau), or a hard deontologist (and thus, through inversion, pro-Jacob)?"

Duh, both.
He was on the side of Jacob becuase he's a swindler, and the end would not turn out to be the ends the Bible claims.
He was on the side of Esau because Esau would have done even worse than Jacob with said inheritance.
When two Satanists fight, Satan can't lose. 

>""A pious person may and ought to be exceedingly moved to see the Name and Truth of God blasphemed by a spreader of erroneous tenets ...""

On the contrary, a pious person is almost completely unmoved.
When you smash a god's idol, you commit ordinary vandalism and also get a god mad at you. "Whelp, that sucker's proper fucked." 

That said maybe put a better fence around the idol next time. Secure your shit. Defence is more powerful than attack; if a vandal can get over your fence you've functionally given him permission. Try not to fail so much next time.

Let's discuss Rome. Why did iconoclasts not fail? Why were the idols smashed? So as to reveal that the worshippers didn't worship. They didn't care enough to defend the idols they themselves made. Weak, weak nigh unto death. The gods rightly read this as Rome abandoning them, and the gods, of all beings, know the rule about cooperating with defectors. 

>"Satans [...] next endeavor wil be to inflame him with an inordinate, turbulent, passionate spirit of opposition against the said Error, whereby whiles he thinks to suppress it he shal exceedingly assist Satan in the propa∣gation thereof."

Yes, exactly.
Ideally, Satan wanted you to fervently oppose an error with an even worse error. In general, Satan got what he wanted.

"Overheard Satan snark: "Only the one son?""

Fun fact: Satan had 23 brothers, and Jesus was one of these siblings. 

I think almost all of them are dead now, though. Jesus was suicidal. At least, you can't reach any of them from here. "Your call could not be completed as dialled."

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