Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Human Universal: Taboo Language, & USG Power Dynamics

"He would lose it all overnight if he was recorded saying a certain word."

And justly so. If you can't avoid saying νιγγερ φαγγωτ, then you have probably developed serious brain dysfunction, Alex Jones. 

Avoiding particular words is super easy. It's really not a high bar. Try not to be so autistic you think America has free speech.

There are a few more complex ideas he can't express either, but of course Fink got his position in the first place by deftly demonstrating he's quite capable of saying what he wants without resorting to such extremes. 

You can tell Fink has no real power because you know his name. His primary function is to take the blame. 

If he had any real power his internal rivals would know he has power, and know to gang up on him and attack him. Usurper regime usurps itself. Indeed it would have long been over before you realized he exists. He can't keep his name out of journalist mouths because he has no power worth protecting and doesn't need to. 

Journalists are excellent only at knowing who and what they're not allowed to talk about.

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