Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Egalitarianism Inherently Effeminate for Contradicting Competition

Men need to compete. It's a basic drive, like hunger. Women not only fail to understand this but actively try to stop men from getting what they need. ("You would be much happier if you were a woman!" "Bitch, why do you think you look happy to me?")

Under Egalitarianism you can't compete, because the winner is inherently a heretic. You inspired envy or jealousy! Burn the witch! How many times have you heard that it's not a competition? 

I mean, don't you always immediately think maybe it should be?

This is in part what causes such frantic, desperate status competition. Men are starving for contests and use backhanded methods to try to insert competitions everywhere just to get a fix. Worse, the Egalitarians and women try, often successfully, to nullify the results of the competition. To make everything [[fair]]. The men almost got water in the desert, and then it's snatched away. The desperation becomes desperate desperation.

This [[fairness]] response, of course, itself constitutes a competition. A competition to suppress competition. Which they just won.

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