Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Carlson took Stewart's Advice and Therefore Kicked His Ass


"Tucker Carlson Is Clearly Still Mad About the Time Jon Stewart Humiliated Him on CNN" 

I saw it live. At the time I was a Stewart watcher (I thought he was anti-establishment, lol@me) and I basically agreed with everything he said. I had no idea who Carlson was (I assumed he was some Party hack) and I wouldn't for many years. It struck me as by far the most sincere thing Stewart ever said (or would go on to say). Carlson was indeed humilitated.

Then, admitted by Carlson himself, he took Stewart's advice. Whoops. You weren't supposed to do that. It was 100% full-test hypocrisy. Stewart was confessing his sins via projection, as in standard for narcissists. It sounded sincere because, like all narcissists, the only thing he sincerely feels is self-hatred.

Have to say the results are in. Carlson wasn't just some court jester. Not entry #54325 deep state propagandist. Carlson dominated all video-form news for all of America, which means for the entire world. Carlson was the TV news anchor. Globally. 

Get fucked, Liebowitz. Yes, you deserve to hate yourself, and everyone with a modicum of healthy grey matter hates you too. I hear the Canadian healthcare system has a solution for situations like this. Should have responded to Trump by moving to Canada, apparently.
Jonathan's little rant didn't just apply to Carlson. It applied to every American journalist. Period.
However, it was only said to Tucker, and only Tucker repented of his sins.

One of the best ways to call out a liar is to take them seriously. Trust them fully and then reason through the consequences of what they say. How should you react? A logical reaction is almost always the opposite of what they wanted. Liebowitz wanted Crossfire cancelled, and he got what he wanted. He did not want it replaced with Tucker Carlson Tonight. Haha, oops. 

Having abruptly fired Tucker at the height of his popularity, Fox news has utterly 100% proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that American nonfiction is not a free market. It's Communist. It's all government agencies. Thanks Fox! I mean, Tucker wasn't good enough anyway, so fundamentally everything will continue working as intended. It's nothing but a very dramatic case study; a scientific paper they paid millions for the privilege of providing us.

He who pays the piper, and you don't pay for it. You're the product, not the customer. 


Carlson leaving Fox cost their stock price $500 million or so, and that sounds about right to me. Does Tucker constitute capital/equipment worth about half a b? Yeah, seems plausible.

1 comment:

JBPGuy said...

Pretty sure Tuck got fired because he made Rupert uncomfortable with religious talk.

Bit of a shame for Rupert that he couldn't follow the capitalist model of "give the audience what they want". Oh well, play stupid games, win appropriate prizes :D