Sunday, April 9, 2023

Judgment: Gambling Debts

If a gambling hall is irresponsible enough to let you bet money you don't have, then when you can't pay the gambling hall should eat the cost. 

If a bank is dumb enough to lend money to a gambler which they then blow on gambling, the irresponsible bank should eat the cost.

Gulls should be punished. If you're dumb enough to trust a gambler, that's on you, not the gambler. Gamblers are known to be impulsive, irresponsible, and lack insight into the future. Of course they are going to lie to you. Of course they cannot be deterred using debtor's prison or equivalents. This is not some sort of surprise to a gambling hall of all places. 

But yeah, like flog the gambler too, mainly on general principles. I'm sure he got away with something; you're retroactively flogging him for it. However, they don't have the money and never did, so trying to take it from them is just stupid.

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