Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Women Don't Like Masculinity

 While I'm sure there must be a situation where rage isn't simply the flip side of fear, I can't find one. At least, when Democratic Man shows anger, it is always terror that's pretending not to be. Signs of weakness.

 Women love rage. Women love "men" who lose control. She doesn't want a husband, she wants a neurotic monkey. Zero-discipline chimp.

 Nothing makes women respect and want a man more than seeing him go apeshit over her 

 Get violent as you need to

 Lusting after monkeys was never adaptive for mortal females. I attribute these things to millennia upon millennia of genetic drift. In the short term arranged marriages is a good idea, but in the long term it ruins half your species. It took millennia to get here, and breeding women back to a (breedable?) state would also take millennia. The other option to go whole hog and take them all the way to mindless drones. Maximum dimorphism. Reverse of the angler fish situation. 

 Either way, the state of mortal women in the present is horrifying. Only a Satanist would do that sort of thing on purpose. Only the worst weakling would let it happen by accident.


Alrenous said...

Mortals require eugenics.
When a mortal attempts eugenics...

Anonymous said...

"and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee".
Women are naturally 'triggered' (i.e. activated) by Men, their "wants" notwithstanding.

Alrenous said...

"You will never be convincing to someone who reads the Bible."
Yes, that is very true.

jason said...

This is too blackpilled for me. My crush is a perfect virgin. She's probably only been with 10 men.

Alrenous said...

Hope you can melt her frigid ice queen heart, king.