Thursday, September 19, 2024

Democracy is Pedophilia

 Fascists send their children off to be tortured by pedophiles in concentration camps. They also put some adults, members of minorities, into concentration camps.

 Communists send their children off to be tortured by pedophiles in concentration camps. They also put quite a few adults in concentration camps, often favouring members of the majority.

 Leftists are pedophiles. No exceptions.
 Democracies send their children off to be tortured by pedophiles in concentration camps.
 Insofar as there are differences, there's no reason to care. They aren't different enough to matter to anyone who isn't also a pedophile.

 Some alleged dissidents mention that the ruling class are exceptionally evil. "That hate you, they want you dead, and they think it's funny." Dissidents won't properly call a spade a spade. No matter how vile a word you use for leftists, it is never too vile. It is impossible to condemn them more than they deserve.
 Alleged rightists deserve a leftist ruling class because they turn away from the truth. They think calling every Fascist a pedophile is going too far. This thought is exactly what a pedophile wants and needs. 

 How much aid and comfort do they have to give to the enemy before you recognize they can't possibly be enemies? 

 Democracy is perhaps best described as the children seizing control of the whorehouse.

 They want to grow up to be like mommy, just like every child desires. Mommy doesn't want them to, but what does she know? Clearly, getting raped worked out for her. If she didn't solicit rape, both she and the kids would be out on the street.
 The kiddies want to practice getting diddled, the way mommy gets diddled. Monkey see, monkey do. "Equal opportunity (for dick)." How else are they supposed to learn to be a proper adult, like mommy? There are more children than whores, so the whores get outvoted. Having seized control of the whorehouse, the children get what they want.

 Democracy is pedophilia.

1 comment:

rezzealaux said...

>Some alleged dissidents mention that the ruling class are exceptionally evil. "That hate you, they want you dead, and they think it's funny." Dissidents won't properly call a spade a spade.
wow what a kinky dink, i was just here yesterday

"the combined essence of [american schizophrenic values] is a belief that one can trick god
"it's ok if i just take a little bit right? heh heh heh"
but it's everyone, at every step, and also the lord doesn't notice, or doesn't do anything, which is the same thing
there was one really good line i read once which i don't think i'll be able to retrieve
everyone always talks about what it means for others to correct errors in public, but rarely does anyone comment on what it means for the self
the line went, the main reason why people don't expose others, is they feel they will get exposed themselves. but not in retaliation from others. it's not a matter of proper subterfuge. like wielding a weapon that is too powerful that will also hit yourself.
but it didn't invoke "weapon" or "god". i don't think it invoked anything. how did it do that. some kind of structure trick. i can't remember.
"human life is valuable" is just a way of saying "i don't want to die". that's it.
the speaker is not speaking in words. the speaker does not understand words. the words are just a way to trick the listener into a certain course of action. if these words didn't work, they'd find another way.
fake companies fake products fake work bad
*getting paid for fake companies fake products fake work good
rather than any endeavors to resolve the contradiction, the explicit goal is to maintain it. "both sides are right". "we must find a balance". "let's not be extreme about this"."

as for "There are more children than whores, so the whores get outvoted.":