Sunday, February 19, 2023

Silver Screen Psychology

"Watched Eyes Wide Shut again and hidden meaning was finally revealed to me: it’s not about pedo lizard elite but tragedy of self-important, presumptuous doctor (I repeat myself), living penny-ante life with penny-ante stakes getting humiliated and mogged by men of actual power"

In fact it's like every even vaguely similar hollywood movie - it's about how Americans depend wholly on lies and can't make sense of the actual physical world. Gnostic.  

"Okay, moving on to the movie. Here's the plot: a wealthy handsome male doctor is thrown into a jealous trance when he realizes that his wife has had opportunities to leave him and have sex with other men. His pretenses about her have been shattered."

The characters get absolutely freaked out when they can't reconcile their lies with reality. They get (understandably) absolutely freaked out when they come into contact with reality and can't make sense of it. When, suddenly, they realize they're absolutely batshit insane. His pretenses have been shattered. He can't do anything useful about it except to pretend they weren't. 

They refuse to give up the lies, and cling instead to the insanity, and then complain they don't like the results. The only question: do they blame capitalism and patriarchy, or woke communism?

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