Sunday, February 5, 2023

Conservative Passive Voice

If "society" is taking advice and making decisions, you're already deeply Fascist. 

"It's pure rationalization - "I can think up 40 reasons why this is a bad test" but only because the results came out wrong and the invisible transition from "this *could* be the reason why" to "they had a good reason" with no proof. 

Society just can't listen to progressives."

The right wing is responsibility. If a particular individual is taking the advice and also paying for it, if it's bad advice they will go bankrupt, lose the ability to make decisions, and the problem solves itself. What advice they take is none of your business and you don't have to worry about it. The less they read your tweets, the better.


CovfefeAnon said...

Not every institution can afford to be subject to market discipline - actual judgement is needed because when some institutions fail, they take the whole society with them, total Y chromosome replacement event. "Oh well, looks like Gnon didn't favor them then" - yeah, except that explaining this is also possible.

Get on twitter if you want replies, btw - wtf are you doing on google's platform?

Alrenous said...

Market discipline is made of personal judgment.

If your society relies on any single institution for survival, it needs to stop doing that. Get a backup ASAP. The market will provide one if it's not illegal to do so.

You don't have to clonal monocropping.
Indeed I rather suspect a lot of modern farming practices are due to Fascism rather than market efficiency. At least, I would certainly like to see what an unregulated farm would look like.

> wtf are you doing on google's platform?
Twitter locked both my accounts. Google hasn't done shit, in a predictable fashion. Unpopularity is security, roughly speaking. I can't be arsed to make a third twitter account. I very much prefer security to popularity.
Maybe around June or July I'll try to get back into my accounts. If Musk ever finishes de-crufting the twatter codebase, in other words.
The time to be in conquered territory is after consolidation.

Alrenous said...

Making it explicit: trying to tell me where to write comes off as policing. I'm not a peasant. I am capable of noticing the consequences of my actions, and implying I can't is not kosher. Also, now I have to police your policing. I will delete comments instead to avoid having to.

Alrenous said...

P.S. You come off as oversensitive to me.

Other things the genuine right isn't: happy-happy kumbaya. If you have to agree on everything all the time, that's leftism.
Like how do I make this criticism any milder to avoid irritating your nonexistent skin.

Alrenous said...

Alrenous said...