Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Rectification of Names: Oversocialization => Slave Socialization

School teaches you to behave like a slave.

You're told where to go, when to go there, what to be interested in, when to stop being interested in it, when to eat, when to shit, when to run and when to stop. And, naturally, what to think and how to feel about being slave-socialized. 

A pedagogue is a kind of slave. Naturally if you leave your children under the authority of a slave all day, they have no choice but to use slavery as their role model and develop a slave superego.

Genuinely being "over" socialized is impossible. Your social skills can't be too good.

The problem is precisely that school is anti-socialization. The """student""" doesn't learn to take cues from their peers, they learn to take cues from whoever is holding the whip. Slaves aren't supposed to cooperate with each other, they're only supposed to obey master. It's fine or good if they rage and squabble (and take drugs) when left to their own devices. 

Though don't forget schools appeared because America was already an entire country of lotus-eating slaves. It's an effect, not a cause. Merely making the pre-existing process more efficient.

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