Thursday, October 27, 2022

Sistine Sex Chapel

Michaelangelo was a φαγγωτ, which means the Sistine ceiling was him drawing porn for himself in broad daylight.

Notice how Adam is drawn as a chad and God is drawn as a simp? Do the green line test, fam. Gee, what kind of person likes to portray the divine as having lower status than the mortal? Truly, a mystery for the ages.


Is the Church incompetent and just let itself be vandalized like that, or is it in fact φαγγωτρυ-positive? (In either case, the solution is lustration. Fire every single last one.) They weren't drawn rock-hard only because he knew he couldn't get away with it.

We can't even say the Gay Sistine Whorehouse is a weird fluke. The only thing that makes this an outlier is that Michaelangelo learned to draw well. (If had turned his skills toward something other than Satanic degeneracy, it would have been spiffy neato.)

The true esoteric history is not even remotely like black government history.


Anonymous said...

"The Sistine Chapel is a chapel in the Apostolic Palace, in Vatican City and the official residence of the pope."

No wonder Francis says "who am I to judge?".

Alrenous said...

Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, because we both know damn fine if you're judged back it won't work out for you."
Francis is basically confessing. Supposed to do that in private, Francis...