Monday, October 10, 2022

Blog Author Facepalm: Morality

I feel dumb.
Q: "Why does good and evil have a quale?"
A: "It's ingroup and outgroup, dumbass."


Pretty sure, many years ago, someone told me this straight-up and I still missed it until now.

Hint: it's in superhero comics and Saturday morning cartoons. It's probably childish. 

What does [childish] in fact mean? It means pre-socialization. Occasionally it's fine* but usually it's only suitable for naked savannah apes. 

*("He started it" and "I had it first" are in fact valid legal principles.)

Naturally good and evil have no real-world application. It's a stupid approximation for stupid paleolithic societies who can't handle anything more sophisticated.

Naturally, Fascism, narcissistic neo-paleolithic economics, wants you to return to monke. Just be a kid, fit as a fig. Crazy folk can't handle the burden of social skills on top of the burden of their insanity.

Or did real paleolithic tribes even get this degenerate? I rather suspect many of them managed not to witch-hunt the next tribe over. At least, not most of the time. Of course children would be simply taught us=good and them=bad, but adult men, by the neolithic at the latest, would have to be more measured about it. The usual situation is that the next tribe over has something valuable you want to trade for, but also has just as many spears and bows as you do, so you're going to figure out they can't be all bad so you can justify working with them. 

Full-fledged Fascist countries are behind paleolithic tribes. The latter had marriage, and the former can't even manage that level of organization and discipline. Rousseau's noble savage is Rousseau hallucinating that savages could get away with being even more ignoble than they actually were, to justify present decadence and degeneration. "Being a useless sissy fop is natural and therefore noble." Sure it is you French ponce.

Universal morality means universal ingroup vs. universal outgroup. A plain self-contradiction.
All these alleged scholars of Scholasticism and nobody notices this rather prosaic identity. Names status: not rectified. Fascists gonna Fasc, I suppose.
All these """enlightenment""" scholars, who allegedly want to oppose Catholicism, and nobody notices...obviously because they want to retain the childish universal distinction. Again, Fascists gonna Fasc... The """enlightenment""" scholars are overall even less impressive than the Scholastics. Same way the Catholics are bad, but the Protestants are worse. Sad.

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