Sunday, October 23, 2022

Science Doesn't Oppose Religion

However, morality opposes accounting.

Morality is a set of simple rules for simple minds who can't do the math.
Deontology as midwittery. (The low wit doesn't into the rules, never mind the math. They just do what they're told or get jailed.) 

More precisely, science opposes religion when the religion is untrue. False religions are rebellion against Reality and thus Satanic by intrinsic nature.


The Social Pathologist said...

"More precisely, science opposes religion when the religion is untrue. False religions are rebellion against Reality and thus Satanic by intrinsic nature."

Now that's a quotable quote that gets to the heard of the matter.

I'd go easy on "midwittery" though. People who know that they are stupid and just follow the rules are smarter than those who don't.

sciguy said...

Science stopped being science in 1901. The discovery of the laws of electricity was the end. After that there is engineering and fake science but no real science any longer.