Saturday, October 22, 2022

Secure your Shit, EEOC Edition

The solution is this: EEOC is banditry. It's piracy. You have to secure your business against the EEOC because there's no amount of profit that's worth putting up with EEOC guidelines. Whatever you have to do to exclude EEOC power, you do it. 

Treat it like bad weather. If the rain can get in, you don't stop and say, "Eh, good enough," you keep building until the rain can't get in. If someone proposes a building that leaks, nobody builds it, and if they do, nobody lives there for the obvious reason. Things like the EEOC have no place in commerce or trade in the same way mold has no place in your kitchen.

This is not only plausible, but downright easy. Although you can't be thoroughly oblivious, putting that aside you essentially have to consent to EEOC jurisdiction. So, like, don't. I have small sympathy for large companies that existed when the EEOC was first created, but even then you were a large company in a Fascist country; what did you think would happen? An Exit plan is obviously required, where was it? Ejector seats are mandatory if you're going to be driving something that risky and dangerous.

Hypothetically, if everyone secured themselves against the EEOC, it wouldn't be a problem. It would have nothing to do and revoking it would be merely a formality. It would fall down on its own, and even if it didn't, it wouldn't matter.

Empirically, everyone runs up, pulls down their pants, and then shakes their booty at the EEOC. Some "dissidents" then complain about getting ass-raped, but look: you were asking for it. Most less-fervent Americans are complaining that the EEOC's cock is too big and it would hurt less if it were smaller. "Hey, can you use lube sometimes? That would be nice." That's what constitutes "winning" to heretics* and dissidents: getting the EEOC to use lube during surprise buttsex. 

*(Everyone who considers themselves on the "right" in America.

To Americans, "surrender" or "doomposting" means not getting any anal rogering.
Can't have that, now can we?
You φαγγωτς, do you wonder why it's called the GAE? 

Although the majority of Americans - at least 80% - are black-State buttsex enthusiasts, this still doesn't contravene the fact that, surprisingly in line with intentions, America is a free country. No matter how many starfish the EEOC dominate, you can still just say no, and they can't do shit to stop you. There is no actual problem to solve. Politely decline and move on with your day.

No actual problem as long as you don't insist on dominating them, that is. Trying to steer the EEOC your way is to assent to the legitimacy of spontaneous fudge-packing, countering any defence you might have made, and then the EEOC beats you with both aptitude and experience.

If you commit to minding your own business, the heavens will provide.
If you quit trying to rebel against god, you will find the world is a much less scary place.


Anonymous said...

As a sidebar to this, finding and capturing a link to your posts at unz has delivered great joy for much future reading.
As always, a sound and thought provoking post. Jeez I hate GAE…

Anonymous said...

As a musician…drums/keyboards…I’d like to name my next band Black-State Buttsex Enthusiasts.
Has a ring to it…

Alrenous said...

A classic Dave Barry name for a band joke.

Can we get quadruple B? Black-State Buttsex Buffs, perhaps? The longer word does have a ring to it...
Oh I know what I'm thinking of. Black-State Buttsex Beneficiaries.
My autism awkwardly trying to make me use beatifiers.