Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"White" Isn't a Race

 Any objections? 

“Tradition” likewise means nothing; the traditions of England are not the traditions of Kashmir or even of France. To argue they are demeans us all.


 Worse, Saxon traditions still noticeably differ from Anglo traditions. (E.g. Saxons are mentally dull, Anglos are worse for lying constantly than Jews are.) A "white" culture is a Catholic/Universalist/Narcissist/Jewish notion which actively contradicts both Anglo and Saxon culture, never mind Scottish, Irish, Basque, Catalan, Teuton, etc etc etc.


 Do I need to explain this, or am I explaining that the Sun rises in the morning? Can I take it for granted? 

 Do note that my comments are post-moderated. It should have no captcha or ID requirements. It's just that if you lie I'll delete it later. I can lie to myself if I want to witness lies, thanks. Don't need your help for that, much obliged.

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