Monday, January 22, 2024

The Fatherhood of Traitors

 Reality: one of the major reasons the Boomers became the "fuck you dad" generation was that their fathers treated them like mindless ornaments. Treated as an unfortunate side-effect of having sex and/or a unfortunately necessary box to check to quiet down the Darwinian impulses.

 Wouldn't you? If your parents were the "Greatest" generation, would you not also react by tearing down everything they tried to build? "I'm going to care about you exactly as much as you cared about me." 


 As expected, Americans think the solution is the problem, because they hate themselves. 

 "Fellas, we have to RETVRN to not taking care of our children."

 "This goes to my point about "Universal Progressism." In 1900, modern type of "involved parenting" by a father would have seemed freakish, beyond effeminate. There are no real conservatives or "trads", everyone is some flavor of progressive now."

 Turns out "Empty America" is supposed to be read as an imperative.


 Even the reply guys are trouncing the "leaders" on this one. Normally you shouldn't read the thread, but this thread is relatively acceptable. "but the time they spent together was *work*, nobody would have characterized it as “childcare”"


 Apparently there's a study showing that spending time with your family lowers testosterone? Okay first of all test isn't supposed to be high all the time, it's supposed to sprint up when relevant. Obsessing about it constantly is pauper thinking, the same way they have to obsess about money to make rent. Second, well, Americans are women. Naturally spending time with your tranny-dad isn't exactly an exceptional choice.

 Notably Henry VIII being so fond of divorce lines up nicely with the English locking in their tendency to divorce their children using fostering and so on. I don't care enough to establish causation, but this is merely the latest flowering of a old problem. Secondarily, Prussian school, which is explicitly designed to sunder family bonds - Americans of course lap that shit right up. Betraying your own family is a proud English tradition at this point. 

 Wait, I can go older: the narcissist-egalitarian-individualist slave-citizen was intentionally bred by the Catholic church, because they were offended that dads would sometimes push back against their treacherous parasitism. Telescopic philanthropy &c was all a successful Catholic conspiracy. Like all Protestants, Anglicans managed to be even worse than the Catholics.

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