Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The American Pedophile Empire

 I realized a while ago that Americans keep voting for pedophiles. If the officials weren't pedophiles, someone like Epstien would be unable to blackmail them by offering a prepubescent to them. 

 Every American in good standing is a baby rapist. 

 Every teacher's union is a pedophile union. Every teacher's union officer has knowingly defended an attempted child rapist from prosecution. 

 Every teacher knows who the pedophile in the school is. Every teacher who doesn't publicly denounce their pedophile is complicit in pedophilia. 

 Every parent who sends their kid to school is complicit in pedophilia. Every parent who praises teachers or defends the teacher's union is aiding and abetting pedophilia. 


 The parents know this.

 They see what sending their kids to school does to those children. What it does to their health and their character. I know, because they tell me.
 They don't pull their kids out of school. They demand more funding for schools. More funding for pedophiles.

 Every American is a pedophile at heart.
That's why they keep voting for pedophiles.


 Defect from Soviet America.

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